The future explained to Bankers….Big Bang in Banking Tsunami Alert!

Not sure most Bankers are ready to read, understand, believe and realize what is clearly explained by reputable consultants….from Accenture.  It’s a bit like explaining Video games Sophistication to your grand parents….

It seems that more and more strategists and  Tech innovation’s observers agrees on the FAST coming BIG BANG in Banking, last large industry still largely unshaken until now….

Bitcoin timid emergence is just a warning sign, announcing the tilde wave/tsunami which will hit Banking in the coming decade, and all it’s aspects: Cloud computing, mobile banking and online collaboration, crow sourcing, peer to peer lending, fintech Innovation, gamification…… Are you getting it yet?

Get ready and embrace innovation & change, or become extinct Dinosaur in one generation 🙂

big bang disruption book big bang market segment


Surf the coming huge innovation wave in Banking, or you will perish sooner than later 🙂 Friendly warning to conservative Bankers and Banksters. LOL


It’s seems like Science fiction to you, I think the after Big Bank will be even more surreal and different: a real paradigm shift for all Banks and worldwide…. I myself predict the death of Money as we know it today….New and innovative solutions and funky ideas are emerging from all fronts 🙂 . It’s going to be a rough and roll ride guys!